Using tor browser for whistleblowing
Using tor browser for whistleblowing

using tor browser for whistleblowing

Additionally I2P offers resistance to pattern recognition and blocking by censors. No one can see where traffic is coming from, where it is going, or what the contents are. It uses encrypted unidirectional tunnels between you and your peers. Traffic inside I2P does not interact with the Internet directly. All I2P traffic is internal to the I2P network. I2P hides the server from the user and the user from the server. The software ships with a router that connects you to the network and applications for sharing, communicating and building. The Invisible Internet Project (I2P) is a fully encrypted private network layer that has been developed with privacy and security by design in order to provide protection for your activity, The Invisible Internet Project (I2P) What is I2P?

Using tor browser for whistleblowing